How to respond to a medication error? Useful insights for caregiver supervisors

A medication error is a preventable event that can cause patient harm. Medication errors can occur at any stage of the medication-use process, from prescribing to dispensing to administration. Such errors can have serious consequences ranging from minor side effects to near-fatal health problems. Common types of medication errors include: Some of the common types…

Good medical record keeping practices

Good medical record keeping practices

As a caregiver, you know how medical records play a significant role in providing quality care to residents. Properly-maintained medical records help you communicate with healthcare providers, schedule appointments and manage medications. As a caregiver, one of your most important responsibilities is to ensure that medical records are well-maintained. Here we discuss some good medical…

How supervisors can promote work-life balance for the caregiving staff? From using electronic mar charts to regularly reviewing workloads – here’re some useful insights

In the past 2 years, work-life balance for caregivers has taken on an even greater significance. Many caregivers are acknowledging the stress associated with the job and learning self-care techniques. However, caregivers alone can’t change their attitude toward work-life balance. As a care home supervisor, you have to take proactive steps to help your caregiving…