Ensure a dose is never missed
You may be spending a lot of time and money managing something software can manage for you.
Electronic MAR automatically sends alerts direct to the handheld device 20 minutes after a medication was due...
And can even send you (the manager) an email 2 hours after a missed medication.
"Now we don't have to worry whether medication has been administered"
Month-end reporting
Auditing MAR Sheets for gaps, and medication counting is time-consuming, and typically your most qualified (and most expensive!) member of staff is doing this.
Our software has a built in Medication Balance Calculator to do the heavy lifting for your, leaving more time for your staff caring on the ward.
Extensive reporting
It would be impossible to get timely managment information from your boxed archive of paper MAR sheets...
But you can generate detailed reports in seconds from medication data spanning days, weeks, months or even years.
Review by outcome, time taken to give medication, and by ward, care home, region or group, or drill down to get data by resident or staff member.