Please see our Training Resources page for further assistance with any questions you may have.
1. How to add a new employee?
To add a new employee, click Administration, under the Create heading click Add Employee. Fill out your employee’s information and select the region and site you want them to be added to. Once completed click Create Employee at the bottom of the page.
2. Forgotten Password
To reset a forgotten password, go to the login page of the web portal in a browser. Once there, click Forgot password. Enter the email address the account is associated with and click Request Password Reset Email. Follow the steps in eMAR Password Reset Request email. If you do not receive the email within 10 minutes, check your spam folder. If it’s still not there contact us.
3. MAR Sheet is Locked
If a MAR sheet is saying that it is locked to someone, you first want to try and get the person that is in the MAR sheet to exit it properly. They can do this by opening the MAR sheet again, and then using either the “Back to MAR Sheet Admin” button if they’re in the web portal, or the “eMAR” button if they’re in the App. If the person is not available, you can unlock this MAR sheet for them, but doing this can lead to a loss of recordings. To do this login as a manager to the web portal and go to “MAR sheet list”. Click “More” next to the locked MAR sheet, and then click “Unlock MAR Sheet”. A pop-up will appear warning that unlocking the MAR sheet may lead to data being lost, click “Unlock”. Your MAR sheet should now be unlocked. You must check your MAR sheets and ensure you add any missing recordings.
4. Failed To Sync
If your tablet says “Last Sync Failed” in the top right-hand corner when your logged in, this means your device has lost connection to the internet at some point and that has caused a sync failure. To Fix this, take your tablet somewhere you are guaranteed to have a good Wi-Fi connection. Once you have a stable connection, click “Last Sync Failed” in the top right-hand side of the screen. Then click “View Pending Sync Data”. Click “Clear Sync Data” at the top of the screen. Wait a few minutes or try entering and exiting a MAR sheet. After doing this it should say “Last Sync Successful”. If it does not, change to “Last Sync Successful”, Contact us. You must check your MAR sheets and ensure you add any missing recordings.
5. “Connection Error, You may need to check your Wi-Fi and/or internet connection”
If you’re getting the connection error every time you try to login to the app on a phone or tablet, and you are sure your phone or tablet has an internet connection, your tablet could have lost the server host. To set your server host click the grey text found on the lower left-hand side of the login screen. Enter your server host in the pop-up box and click Confirm. It will inform you your about to change the server to whatever you entered, click Confirm. You should now be able to login. If you do not know what your server host is, please contact us.
6. MAR sheet not showing up / Renewing a MAR sheet
If a MAR sheet has “disappeared” or is not showing up, it could be one of three things:
Your MAR sheet has expired. To renew your MAR sheet, login as a manager to the web portal. In the web portal click Administration, and under the Create heading go to Create MAR Sheet. Fill out your MAR sheet details and click Add MAR Sheet. Once the MAR sheet has been created go to the MAR Sheet List, change Filter by Status from Active to Needs Approval. Find your MAR sheet and click More. Then click Approve MAR Sheet. If the MAR sheet’s start date is not set in the future, your MAR sheet should now appear for you to make recordings on.
You are not assigned to the MAR sheet. To assign yourself or others to the MAR sheet, login as a manager to the web portal. In the web portal click Administration, and under the View / Edit heading go to MAR Sheet List. Find the MAR Sheet you want to be assigned to and click More. Click Assign Employees, then highlight the people you would like to be assigned and click Save Changes.
Your MAR sheet has not been approved. To approve the MAR sheet, login as a manager to the web portal. In the web portal click Administration, and under the View / Edit heading go to MAR Sheet List. Now change Filter by Status from Active to Needs Approval. Find your MAR sheet and click More. Then click Approve MAR Sheet. If the MAR sheet’s start date is not set in the future, your MAR sheet should now appear for you to make recordings on.
7. If your question is not on here, or you still need help
Contact us either via email at or via the phone at 0117 911 3889.