Paper MAR vs. eMAR Which is better for patient safety

Paper MAR vs. eMAR: Which is better for patient safety?

Medication administration is an important aspect of healthcare. And, it is intricately linked with patient safety. Traditionally, paper-based Medication Administration Records (MARs) have been the standard in healthcare settings for tracking and administering medications. They offer a straightforward and familiar method for documenting patient care. However, the introduction of electronic Medication Administration Records (eMAR) has…

Why medication safety is important in nursing homes

Why medication safety is important in nursing homes?

Medication errors are a serious concern in nursing homes and can have devastating consequences for the residents. Ensuring medication safety is an important aspect of providing quality care in nursing homes. It involves implementing comprehensive systems and processes to prevent medication errors and promote safe medication practices. In this article, we will explore why medication…

Improving Medication Safety in the UK Care Homes: Check these Insights

Medication safety is an important aspect in care home settings, as residents often have complex medication regimens. Medication errors can lead to serious consequences such as underdose, overdose, delayed treatment, and legal consequences. In some cases, medication errors can even lead to deaths. Care homes in the UK have implemented several measures to prevent medication…