How to design effective caregiver training programs Useful insights for care home managers

How to design effective caregiver training programs? Useful insights for care home managers

Running a successful care home requires adequate training for caregivers. An effective training program can play a crucial role in staff retention, which can ultimately help reduce costs associated with hiring new caregivers. Through caregiver training, employees can enhance their skills and boost their confidence levels. If you’re wondering where to begin with your training…

How to conduct eMAR chart training

How to conduct eMAR chart training?

The eMAR (electronic medication administration record) is used by healthcare professionals to document medication administration. It is a replacement for traditional paper-based MAR charts and provides several advantages, including reduced medication errors, improved patient safety, real-time updates and alerts, and streamlined medication administration process.  As part of the eMAR chart training process, healthcare staff are…

eMAR chart

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Filling out MAR Charts

As a caregiver, one of the primary responsibilities is to administer medicines to residents. It is necessary that when this task is performed it is done with utmost care. To manage the medicine administration, several care homes use printable MAR (Medicine Administration Record) sheets. Several care homes in the UK have started using different types…

How to pick the right electronic medication system for your care home

How to pick the right electronic medication system for your care home?

  Medical compliance, reduced paperwork, real-time access to information and instant collaborations are some of the many benefits of using an electronic medication system such as eMAR. In today’s digital world, there are different software and technologies offering great services to care homes and it can be a bit overwhelming to choose the right one.…