Useful insights on managing medicines in your care home

All care homes require medication management systems, processes and policies in place to help caregivers manage medication safely to achieve the best outcomes for their residents. If you are a care home manager planning to streamline medication management at your facility, here are some useful insights on managing medicines in your care home: 1. Have…

Good medical record keeping practices

Good medical record keeping practices

As a caregiver, you know how medical records play a significant role in providing quality care to residents. Properly-maintained medical records help you communicate with healthcare providers, schedule appointments and manage medications. As a caregiver, one of your most important responsibilities is to ensure that medical records are well-maintained. Here we discuss some good medical…

How does eMAR help care home staff work efficiently

How does eMAR help care home staff work efficiently?

Implementing eMAR (electronic medication administration record) is undoubtedly one of the most important investments that care homes can make.  The digital medical records-keeping system is a cost-effective solution to eliminate several paper-based hassles inherent in care homes. By implementing electronic MAR sheet medication administration, care homes can significantly lower the risks of medication errors which,…

Useful Insights for Caregivers

What are Prescribing Errors: Useful Insights for Caregivers

Medication errors at care homes are one of the most common causes of harm – and one of the most common causes of medical errors is prescribing errors. Here is a useful read for caregivers on prescribing errors and how can they be prevented:  Common prescribing errors: How does the eMAR medication system help?  Prescribing…

New caregiver notes: How to improve your professional etiquette?

While necessary training and skills are a must to meet the job requirements, caregivers must also possess professional etiquette. An important skill, professional etiquette, is creating a mutually respectful work atmosphere and improving communication between other caregivers and the residents. If you are a new caregiver, here are some tips to improve your professional etiquette:…